Title: Moonlight Pairing: Junkyu-centric Rating: PG-13 Wordcount: 11,285 Summary: Junkyu meets his first dragon. Warnings: Brief and mild descriptions of gore Notes: Written for weatherscenes as a part of nugu_seyo. This started out as an attempt at How to Train Your Dragon AU and turned into something quite different. ( For the people of Junkyu's village, there had always been dragons. )
Title: Someone is waiting Pairing: Jaeho/Yijung Rating: PG-13 Wordcount: 4,865 Summary: Jaeho is torn between supporting his alpha and the boy he can't get away from. Warnings: Language, mentions of drug use Notes: Werewolf AU inspired by History's, "난 너한테 뭐야 (What am I to you)" MV. Title/lyrics from here. ( When there's nothing left, Jaeho runs. )
Title: Imprinted Rating: R Pairing Ravi/Leo Wordcount: 3,557 Summary: Taekwoon gets a tattoo; Wonsik gets obsessed. Warnings: non-explicit sexual content, minor instance of bloodplay Notes: Written for kpop_ficmix as a remix of a_dead_koala's Ink Stains.
Title: A Love Song in Four Drafts Pairing: Soohyun/Hoonmin, Soohyun/Kiseob, Soohyun/Junho Word count: 7445 Rating: PG-13 Warning(s): character death/suicide, language, some sexual content Summary: Soohyun rewrites his life. Notes:
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Title: Open-Door Policy Pairing: Gayoon/Hyunah Rating: PG Word Count: 2905 Summary: Written for mockerybespoke for unniesanta. Hyunah doesn't come to Gayoon's rescue, but makes everything much worse.
Title: Take a Space Ride with a Cowboy, Baby Pairing: None. Hyungjoon-centric, with focus on his and Jungmin's friendship in particular. Rating: PG Word Count: 6329 Summary: It takes almost losing someone to realize how boring your life would be without them. Notes: Written for nakchi for gyonggo_ss. I tried to combine a few of your requests into one with this. It
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Title: How to Train Your Space Pirate Pairing: Soohyun/Kiseob Word count: 8668 Rating: PG Warning(s): mild language and kooky space shenanigans Summary: In which Soohyun talks to rocks and Kiseob burns a whole lot of bacon. Notes: Written for thundersquall for kissmesanta. First off, I apologize because I highly doubt this is what you wanted/expected out of a sci-fi AU,
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